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AutorenbildRalf Behn

Emotional Baggage Holds You Back

Here is the Podcast version of the Emotional Baggage blog for you :-)!

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where we discover, discuss and expose Mindset, Resilience, Performance, Self-Confidence and Health Wisdom Nuggets as well as Cutting Edge knowledge in those areas.

Today's topic – Emotional Baggage Holds You Back

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My dear friends the question is…

Is your emotional baggage holding you back? The answer is most likely a Cristal clear YES!

We all carry around an invisible mental weight! And here are some wisdom nuggets how to lighten the load for you.

When feelings have not been able to run their course, have not been fully processed and digested they tend to hang around and slow you down and eventually drive you nuts. Emotional baggage does feel like you are carrying a big bag filled with emotions otherwise known as useless negativity rubbish.

This baggage can interfere with the enjoyment of your life, your professional ambition and life goals, but can also affect healthy, loving and nurturing relationships. The well known victim mode runs its course which is a bad place to be in.

Let me ask you a question. How much does your *life weigh*? Now imagine for a second that you're carrying a big backpack filled with your life‘s heavy weight. Emotional baggage or emotional backpacks are used to describe all of the unresolved emotional issues, traumas and stresses from the past and also present that occupy your mind and even body which in the long-term makes you sick and very unhappy moving towards depression. They take a massive toll on your health. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders, and feel the weight of all your friends, guys around the office, at work, casual acquaintances, your family that you trust with your most intimate secrets like your cousins, your siblings, your parents and finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend or your girlfriend. Can you feel them inside that big backpack? Make no mistake, your relationships are one of the heaviest components in your big heavy life backpack. Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders? All those dramas, lies, negotiations, drama queens and negativity kings and endless often times pointless arguments. But as a matter of fact You don't need to carry all that weight. Nope! Why don't you set that big ugly bag down?

When I was teaching martial arts and combat fit classes I always reminded the participants in the beginning of the class to leave that big, heavy and often times quiet ugly bag in front oft he door outside. And if they feel they still want to carry that big and heavy life backpack then they can certainly pick it up on the way out after the class. Trust me No One will take your backpack with all those problems, dramas and negative emotions inside 😊, so its safe and sweet to leave it for an hour outside – unattended 😊.

Here is a pretty cool Metaphor for the scenario which I have put together in those little pull-ups clips for you. Here I’m just pulling an extra 10, 15 or 20 or even 30 kg up but your life backpack is much much heavier than that. I’m sure you can clearly see the moment I drop that extra baggage I’m literally flying up over the bar 😊.

Dropping that big and heavy backpack will be a magical experience for you!

Another very good analogy is when you try to press a ball such as a small gym or beach ball for instance under water. It is almost impossible. But you keep pressing and fighting with all your strength and eventually you might manage to get it under the water just about to witness the ball will slip through your fingers up in the air and that is when you freak out for pretty much no reason. The smallest issue can set off that beach ball bomb! Bottled up emotions, anger, resentment and the bomb sets off one day just like your big life backpack will be too heavy to carry any further one day soon.

Every day is a brand new chance, a new sheet, a blank sheet with nothing written on there. We start new every single day! We can’t turn back the clock anyways or can we?? Give yourself the permission to be happy and fulfilled, in tune with yourself and the universe, in balance so to speak. Give yourself permission to have the best day ever, every single day with no exception. Of course learning from our past experiences, which is a healthy behavioral pattern is necessary to improve and grow in life.

Remember, carrying past experiences and those negative emotions that automatically came with them for too long will take a massive toll on your health, happiness and well-being although they can help you to better navigate future experiences.

The key to a healthier you, mentally, physically and emotionally and to function on your best lies in learning to manage your emotions, your expectations, your perceptions and to strengthen yourself in order to respond to your daily experiences in healthier, more effective and more intelligent ways.

So what is this proverbial backpack? And how can we prevent it from filling up to the point where we feel like we can’t carry all of our stuff any longer around day by day, month by month and year by year?

That big backpack is often times filled up the top with unexpressed feelings of hurt towards loved ones, friends or colleagues. It can also be regret about not taking an opportunity, stuffing up a relationship or even unresolved and bottled up anger. These can be feelings from the present or the past.

Practice the ultra important art of forgiveness and also detachment. Forgiving yourself and others is a vital important step in order to achieve mental and emotional peace, clarity, health and freedom with yourself.

Forgiveness is an important process and will come in time and simply being at peace within yourself without having to tell someone you forgive them can be life changing. Do not hold on to anger, bad emotions, bad feelings, blame and resentment. Let go! Give yourself the permission to be happy and free!

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