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Magic Sauna Benefits

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Hello lovely people all over the world! Ralf Behn here your favorite Mindset, Resilience, Performance and Health Expert.

Todays topic – The Magic Benefits of Sauna use.

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I must make an official confession. A statement. The exposure of a lifelong addiction and friendship with heat. I love saunas, always have and always will! It is such a powerful gift that everyone can afford and take advantage of.

Saunas cause extensive sweating (yeah!) and aid the opening of pores. As we sweat during a sauna, we are more able to excrete body toxins and other impurities from our blood and skin. We feel better for longer after having a sauna session because we have cleansed our body by sweating, and we have a feeling of wellbeing because our muscles feel relieved. A true sense of bliss.

The warm steam is also good for improving joint pain because blood flow resumes more effectively to all parts of the body and contracted muscles are relieved. Saunas are also popular after an intense workout because the increased circulation from the intense heat reduces muscle soreness, and can ease pain.

Sauna bathing at a temperature of 80 to 100 degrees Celsius and relative humidity of 10-30% mimics a physiological response similar to moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise like running, cycling, swimming or rowing. If only more people knew about the significant growth hormone boost that occurs from a session in a sauna. If they did, there would be a long cue at every sauna in the country.

Sauna use promotes growth hormone release, which varies from person to person and in relation to time, frequency, and temperature. For example, two 20-minute sauna sessions at 80 degrees Celsius separated by a 30-minute cooling period elevated growth hormone levels two-fold over baseline. Further, two 15-minute sauna sessions at 100 degrees Celsius separated by a 30-minute cooling period resulted in a five-fold increase in growth hormone production. Which is truly insane if you think about it! However, sauna use and exercise combined can significantly elevate growth hormones even further.

There is a wonderful study on the magic health benefits of regular sauna use that was published in May 2018. This amazing study clearly demonstrates that regular use of sauna can reduce all cause of mortality by a whooping 40 percent. And basically what they found was that the more often people do sauna the better their health is and the lower the likleyhood that they would die from some sort of cardiovascular event.

The temperature ranges that were used in this sauna study are between 80 and 100 degrees Celisius. The tempearture that you decide to use will depend on your tolerance for heat. In other words how heat adapted you are. Over time and regular use you will get better at sweating and become a better sweater because you‘re more heat adapted. You will get better at dumping heat through the loss of water which is always a lot of fun. Just be careful and take it extra easy in the beginning so you’re on the safe side.

In this particular study they compare the effects of people that did sauna once a week, 2 or 3 times per week or 4 to 7 times per week. And what they saw was really remarkable. People who went into the sauna 2 or 3 times per week were 27% less likely to die of a cardiovascular event than people that went into the sauna just once a week, infact the benefits were even greater for people that were going into the sauna 4 to 7 times per week. Those people were 50% less likely to die of a cardiovascular event compared to people that went into the sauna just once a week.

It doesen’t matter if you use a dry or wet sauna although this particular study was contacted using a dry sauna. Infrared sauna usually don’t get hot enough and when using infrared saunas which is fine it needs to be a high quality brand otherwise you get cooked like in a microwave which would be highly counterproductive.

As mentioned before the use of sauna can also be used to increase growth hormone which impacts metabolism, the growth of cells and tissues of the body but also tisshue repair.

A very intersting study I would like to mention which was pointed out by the legendary and truly amazing Professer Andrew Huberman of whom I’m a big fan off is that they found really dramatic increases in growth hormone during in an insane 4 x 30 min sauna session protocol in a single day above 80 degrees celsius. So that’s two hours of sauna combined.

The deliberate use of sauna in the mentioned format 4 x 30 minutes can stimulate very large increases in Growth Hormone Output which will be very benficial and useful for people of all ages. This particular paper was published in 1986 which is a while back. But what they observed was really quite significant. All female and male participants who did this above 80 degrees celsius 4 x 30 min a day protocol experienced 16 fold increases in growth hormone. Interestingly enough the effects of sauna exposure on growth hormone actually went down the more often that people did this deliberate heat exposure protocol. If you are aiming to get that truly remarable 16 fold increase in growth hormone aim to use the sauna not more than once a week or better even only every 10 days.

I personally usually use the sauna pretty much 6 – 7 times a week for 20 minutes straight after my trainings session in the gym because I love the relaxed feeling it gives me as well as better sleep, better health and longevity boosting qualities. As we speak the sauna in the gym has been out of order for 8 weeks straight by now which really sucks and in that case I go once a week to a big sauna place with different saunas and do the mentioned 4 x 20 min protocol within 2 hours. 20 min in 10 min break and so forth. That is a truly exhausting procedure but feels really awesome when done 😊.

In another study with women who participated in 20-minute sessions twice a week (around 80 C), they found an 86% increase in noradrenaline and a 510% increase in prolactin after the session.

Avoid being average and a pathetic little whinger! Life’s too short to remain average and stay neutral! Get out of your comfort zone and make sh#t happen. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Make sure you Don’t let comfort take your happiness, your health-, your life, in order not to face challenges. Condition yourself to love stress – love heat and cold, because the Human physiology and mentality is build to survive and manage short-term and long-term stress.

Remember when you deal with hot and cold the common rule is whens you are in then it is already a win!

An additional word of caution: in a typical session, the average sauna bather can secret half a kilogram of sweat. Hydrating is essential and very important after a sauna session!

Happy sweating 😊!

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And I see you tomorrow in another Motivational Mindset Episode by Ralf Behn

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