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Smash Your Comfort Zone!!!Leaving the comfort zone every day to grow


Welcome to the Ralf Behn Podcast where we discover, discuss and expose Mindset, Resilience, Performance, Self-Confidence and Health Wisdom Nuggets as well as Cutting Edge knowledge in those areas.


Today's topic - Leaving the comfort zone every day to grow / Smash Your Comfort Zone!!!

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The question of the day is...

"Do We have to smash the comfort-zone in order to grow" Yes? Is that really true?

We all know this wise and, for many, unloved and frightening saying.

But where does the often quoted comfort zone begin and where does it end? The comfort zone is the area in your life where you feel comfortable and safe. In this room of your life, this part of your life, there are no fears, no turmoil, no uncertainty, no challenges and no effort. The comfort zone actually refers to a comfortable and somehow soft way of life that leads to nowhere and nothing. In other words, it's an area where not much new and interesting awaits you and you know with a fair degree of certainty what will happen when, where and how. It's a life on autopilot on cruise control and 99.99% of people rest here and make a crucial but also a little crazy mistake!

All these people, and we all know hundreds of them, do the same thing day in and day out and expect different and better results and also improvements. Albert Einstein described this approach to life and thinking as completely crazy and insane. And rightly so 😊! Quite rightly so!

All people who have settled into their cosy comfort zone and don't want to leave it voluntarily at any price generally find it very difficult to face challenges and changes and dare to try something new. These people, and it has to be said quite clearly, are really not doing themselves any favors, my dear friends. The thought of new experiences makes them downright ill. The good news for all comfort zone lovers is that not every comfort zone is the same and depends on the individual. While extroverts, for example, usually have no problems approaching new people, introverts often find it difficult to make new contacts or speak up in a meeting. The comfort zone therefore has a lot to do with the current performance level, but also with a person's personality.

The comfort zone ends exactly when a situation is unfamiliar, difficult and perhaps even a little uncomfortable for you, when you may even feel uncomfortable and have to face your fears. *Only when you decide to overcome your fears and grow personally does the previously almost impossible happen and the magic of transformation from a caterpillar to a wonderful butterfly begins - a gifted state and a process worth striving for 😊.

So the secret to all success is to stay in the growth zone as often and as long as possible, because that's where the magic happens. Staying in the promising growth zone regularly and, if possible, every day takes strength and energy, but at the same time makes you a thousand times stronger, more resilient and more self-confident.

In my effective and challenging high performance workshops and programs with guaranteed success, I show the participants of my employee and management seminars, as well as in high performance one on one coaching, how the desired transformation of people who spend too much time in their beloved and cosy comfort zone into a high performance beast can be achieved in just a few weeks.

I'm known for being one of the few experts who actually practice what they preach on a daily basis and walk he talk as we say, as you can clearly see in this one-hour morning workout in the snow at minus 6 degrees Celsius. An hour in the snow wearing only shorts has never been easy and probably never will be, which is a good thing because it challenges me every time and pushes me to my (cold) limits.

Without exception, whenever you enter the growth zone, you automatically and inevitably leave your comfort zone. In the growth zone, you need more strength and energy because you have to face your fears and insecurities. However, if you master all challenges and obstacles and acquire new knowledge and skills, you can expand your comfort zone a little bit each time. You now feel comfortable and confident when carrying out previously frightening and unfamiliar activities or situations and have to expend less energy and strength. Little by little, you can continue to expand your comfort zone by stepping into the dreaded growth zone again and again. What used to be your workout is now your warm-up so to speak.

So that's it for today my dear friends


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