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AutorenbildRalf Behn

The Insane Health & Longevity Effects of regular Cold Exposure

Aktualisiert: 29. März 2023

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Hello lovely people all over the world! Ralf Behn here your favorite Mindset, Resilience, Performance and Health Expert.

Todays topic – The Insane Health & Longevity Effects and Benefits of regular Cold Exposure.

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As I have taken over a 1000 ice baths in the last five years in a crazy ice tub full of massive ice blocks which has become world famous and has then copied all over the world many times and also taken way over a thousand cold showers in the last five years I feel compelled and inspired to motivate you too to make friends with the merciless and healing Cold.

According to German physician Dr. Kneipp, ‘Each contact with water means an additional minute in our life.’ And I would bravely add that each contact with ice cold water means 2 additional minutes in your life. The history of hydrotherapy goes as far back as human history itself. Hot and cold has always been a magical health, longevity and healing procedure and all time winners secret of strong, healthy and resilient men and women.

Hippocrates, the Ancient Greek physician, used water therapy extensively by alternating application of hot and cold water.

And the great philosopher, Seneca, was right when he remarked that the essence of things is quite simple. It turns out that by simply applying hot and cold water in turn, we can obtain unexpectedly superior results in the fight against many diseases.

Cold therapy is a wonderful way to increase your ability to withstand stressors and build your resilience to uncomfortable situations. In ohter words you get comfortable with the uncomfortable which a very important factor in our modern weak and softening society.

Blood rushing to your skin is a self-defence mechanism that can awaken your senses and invigorate your body. With the rush of blood comes a flush of heat, whereby your skin turns pink which I experience every morning.

I personally have not taken a hot shower in the last five years. Cold showers only, my dear friends! The long and hot shower sessions that I took in the past turned into short two- three minute showers. As I have taken the cosy option of warm showers out of my life, my body, mind, and soul know to expect that cold exposure during my daily shower. You do get used to it after a while. In the last five years, I have not even taken the option of alternating hot and cold showers. Although, I do participate in the life-enhancing process of alternating saunas and cold showers/cold baths.

I have taken 20-minute cold showers over a period of a few weeks back in good old Sydney. This was something I did before I began using ice baths. Back then, I would shiver after a 20-minute cold shower and now I fully immerse myself in ice baths for 15 to 20 minutes and do not shiver once. The human body is incredible! Although, I must add that my hands are in pain after such long ice baths. I do not experience the pain when I do shorter 3-minute ice baths, though. I have adapted.

It is my sincerest hope that after learning these cold-water secrets, you will try them very soon!

I hope you can experience the benefits for yourself.

Here are the benefits that you can enjoy by having regular cold showers and/or taking ice baths:

You strengthen your immune system.

You do so when you keep your cold showers between one and- five minutes.

You flush toxins from your skin.

You increase your blood circulation, making your body better able to flush out toxins. This flushing out is especially beneficial for the muscles and the surface of the skin.

You promote growth and repair of your circulatory system by stimulating capillary beds that are often left to ‘stagnate’ with blood.

The pores of your skin stay closed during the cold shower, so you do not absorb as much water or product applied to your skin. This lack of absorption is especially important considering the garbage that is added to our water, such as chlorine and fluoride, as well as any toxins in soap and other personal care products you use. The human body absorbs water and personal care products much more readily during a regular hot shower because the heat causes the pores to open widely. Less steam means you are inhaling less chlorine by taking cold showers. Although the logic is counter-intuitive, in Winter, cold showers in the morning are the best thing for keeping warm for the rest of the day.

You save on your energy bills. You also ensure a shorter shower time and use less water.

You also build courage and will power.

If you are male, your fertility increases. Even if you do not intend to father a child, you can rest assured as, according to the ancient Taoists and traditional Chinese doctors, high male fertility is a source of strength and longevity.

But there is certainly more, much much more to benefit you, such as:

  • better mood and higer energy

  • less inflammation in the body

  • higher energy expenditure

  • better temperature regulation

  • enhanced metabolism

Everone thinks the cold or stress in general is bad and unhealthy or even dangerous for us, and therefore we avoid it at all costs while getting softer and weaker by the minute. But nothing could be further from the truth because acute stress, like the extreme cold in an ice bath or extreme heat as in a sauna is good stress because it is healthy and strengthening eustress.

So lets give our brown adipose tissue (BAT) a healthy and very important daily mega boost!

Remember, adipose tissue function is crucial for a healthy life and dysfunction is one of the main drivers of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and other unpleasant and unwanted health risks and problems.

Cold exposure effects certain parts of the brain, and has therefore an impact on our emotions and behavior. The merciless but ridgious cold will enhance your mood but also foster your ability to make good, positive and fast decisions in the moment but also for longterm decisions in life.

So my dear friends Happy freezing😊! Remember Once you’re in - it’s a win🤩!

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