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AutorenbildRalf Behn

Lymphasizing for Longevity and Unbreakable Health

Aktualisiert: 22. Jan. 2023

Lymphasizing, otherwise known as rebounding or cellercising truly is a hell a lot of fun :-)! In addition to being fun, a trampoline workout, also known as rebounding has many great health benefits, particularly for your Immune System. Most people first fall in love with trampolines as children, but did you know that a trampoline workout can benefit adults just as much as they bring joy to the little ones? When researchers studied astronauts in the American Space Program while the astronauts were both weightless and under acceleration, the researchers found that the force of gravity was a very powerful factor in keeping the astronauts fit and well. When you’re vertical and using acceleration, deceleration and gravity, you’re creating the ideal conditions for cleansing your body’s cells. Rebound on a mini-trampoline to your favourite music that has a good rhythm and you’ll find that physical activity is much more convenient, relatively easy and enjoyable. If you really need to watch TV, do it while watching the latest documentary on a meaningful topic or a favourite show.

Rebounding as described and mentioned in “Unlocking Your Health & Happiness”

Rebounding is a true cellular exercise. You build physical cellular strength by challenging the structure of each cell. The remarkable health effect of regular rebounding is that at the bottom of a bounce, the gravity force is at a maximum– typically three times normal, and for a delightful moment at the top of the bounce you’re weightless and happy. By strengthening your cells in this way, you help protect yourself against degenerative disease.

While you’re bouncing, by working against the constant gravitational pressure, you resist the earth’s pull. Gravity becomes a force that benefits your whole body. As a result, the lymphatic-system drainage of waste products is dramatically improved, because lymph circulation mostly depends on body movement. When you rebound, you improve the working of your heart muscle by both improving the tone and quality of the muscle itself and increasing the co-ordination of the fibres as they wring blood out of the heart during each beat. Rebounding is a strong aerobic exercise for developing greater lung capacity. It’s the stimulus for a free-flowing lymphatic-drainage system, which is for ridding your body of toxins, cancer cells, wastes, trapped proteins, bacteria, viruses and other waste that the cells cast off. When we rebound, we relieve tension and relax more easily. While you’re rebounding, your cells are being flooded with oxygen whereby they’re able to convert glucose to ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and also to glycogen. You can therefore use rebounding to actually increase your ability to convert glucose into glycogen. Furthermore, you might be able to train your body (through consistent lymphasising) to store the glycogen and release it when you need it for a sudden burst of energy. When you rebound, you improve your muscle tone, strengthen every cell in your body, and improve your co-ordination and balance. At the top of the bounce, the G-force (gravity) is eliminated and your body becomes weightless for a fraction of a second. At the bottom of the bounce – the G-force suddenly becomes doubled compared with what’s normal.

Commence the program gradually, by beginning with gentle bouncing for only five to seven minutes at a time. If convenient, repeat the bouncing five or six times during the day. Exercise daily or at least every second day. One of the most effective types of aerobic activity you can undertake on a rebounder is jogging or running, to enable your body to work harder for a longer period because the body isn’t absorbing the shock and stress entailed in hard-surface workouts. You simultaneously work all the major muscle groups and benefit from engaging in a calorie-burning, strength-conditioning exercise.

Rebounding or cellercising is the seemingly simple exercise of jumping on a mini trampoline. With cumulating research demonstrating its phenomenal health effects, rebounding has grown in popularity as both a singular exercise and cross-training activity. I personally try to get some super fun rebounding done most days while watching a ted talk or research on YouTube to round up my daily trainings schedule but also reap all those amazing health benefits on a regular basis. But I have a confession to make: as a fitness-enthusiast, the first time I saw someone bouncing on a mini trampoline, my eyebrows moved up with shock and I crunched my lips together to hold in a burst of giggles. Yet over time, I found myself thinking about it, intrigued by the idea that this basic movement could have such profound proclaimed health implications. As I began to delve into the science behind it, I realized that rebounding is definitely not something to laugh about! Rebounding is super effective! The unique activity actually offers deep cellular reinvigoration that even the most rigorous physical training cannot otherwise provide. Rebounding may just be one of the most efficient, fun and frequently overlooked ways to tone the entire body, while reaping mind boggling health benefits that extend far beyond physical wellbeing and general health.

Working out on the trampoline, or rebounding, has way less impact on the joints, soft tissue and skeleton. Due to how a trampoline is made, most often using either springs or bungee bands, it absorbs much of the impact at every bounce. Just be aware that there is a wide range of mini trampolines on the market and I personally use and recommend Bellicon as they are the market leader and provide German engineered quality and longevity.

Rebounding can also be good for improving balance and coordination. It is also very good to improve Proprioception, which is the ability to sense the orientation and position of your body. When you stand on one leg with your eyes closed, proprioception is the process by which your body fires messages to your leg to make the continuous micro-adjustments that help you stay upright. Because we’re actively engaging the ocular and inner ear canal as we bounce, we’re working to improve balance, timing, coordination, and reaction time – all things which are important for just about everything we do in life.

Did you actually know that rebounding can burn more calories than walking or jogging? Or that it’s a great way to work your major muscle groups because it allows you to work them through their full ranges of motion?

A trampoline workout can also strengthen your body while detoxifying the cells within it. Plus, it’s a low-impact exercise option that’s very easy on the joints – something running simply can’t match. While you may think the type of large trampolines you seen in backyards may be a bit much, there are small versions that can fit right in your living room and are easy to store. So get ready to jump around and improve your health all at the same time. When oxygen reaches our cells, it helps strengthen them and provide the ability to endure more exercise efficiently, and because the body is able to increase oxygen uptake when rebounding, versus some other physical activities, it’s possible to get a much better workout.

Rebounding can increase oxygen uptake because more oxygen can reach the cells due to the gravity changes that occur when bouncing. In some studies, when testing on the treadmill, the ability to uptake more oxygen was greater when working out on the trampoline. This could allow participants to perform exercise for longer periods of time.

Bones are made of living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Rebounding produces up to 2-3 times vertical gravitation, which can serve as strengthening resistance for our bones. But unlike most forms of weight-bearing exercise, rebounding is very low impact, so it’s gentler on joints, cartilage, and vertebrae. Because of this, people who are already experiencing bone mineral loss and some other forms of degenerative health issues, are still able to continue exercising gently on a rebounder without aggravating their conditions. Perfect for the elderly generation too – to stay active, happy and fit!

54 of the endless & mind boggling Health Benefits Of Rebounding:

1. Helps rehabilitate existing heart problems & prevent them in the first place.

Rebounding can improve seniors’ recovery from heart procedures because it encourages gentle, low-impact circulation. Rebounding is great for all ages from 1-110 and beyond.

2. Encourages collateral circulation.

Having proper collateral circulation is not only important for seniors.

This refers to the alternate path of circulation around a blocked artery or vein, such as a nearby blood vessel, which can prevent the aging population from experiencing strokes and prevent the younger generation from even getting to such risky state of health.

3. Easy on the joints.

Rebounding has much less impact on joints and soft tissue than other exercises.

Because a trampoline is made using either springs or bungee bands, it is able to absorb most of the body’s impact with every bounce.

When bouncing, the pressure is more distributed throughout the body, whereas when walking or running, the pressure is mainly on the ankles and knees.

There’s something special about rebounding compared to other forms of exercise. It is fun and low-impact, which means it is great for everyone.

4. Reduces the risk of falls.

Research shows that it is best for older adults to do balance and muscle-strengthening activities, such as rebounding, to help reduce one’s risk of falling.

5. Improves memory.

Rebounding improves blood circulation to the brain, which aids in proper brain function and memory in elderly adults but also in the younger generation.

6. Slows muscle atrophy.

Rebounding helps slow down the inevitable muscle atrophy in the aging process and keeps your muscles toned.

7. Improves posture.

As the body ages the curvature on the spine increases. Rebounding has been shown to help maintain proper body alignment and a strong posture.

8. Offers pain relief.

Rebounding reduces common pains that come with age such as neck pains, back pains, and headaches.

9. Prevents edema.

Rebounding can decrease the amount of blood that pools in the cardiovascular system’s veins, which helps prevent chronic edema.

10. Increases bone density.

Rebounding can help people of all ages but especially seniors increase their bone strength and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

This can also help decrease the chances of getting a bone fracture, as one in two women and one in five men will break a bone because of osteoporosis. Add description1

Can reverse the impact of life-long stress.

Rebounding for 30 minutes can decrease tension by increasing levels of calming brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

In fact, rebounding may actually work on a cellular level to help reverse the toll that stress takes on the aging process.

12. Helps you live longer.

Being able to enjoy as many special moments with your family, friends and loved ones as you can is what life is really all about. Longevity should be on everyone’s radar!

Keeping your body healthy to help you live longer is one of the biggest benefits of rebounding. Research has recently found that doing just 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week can increase your lifespan by 3.4 years. That’s huge!

13. Improves digestion.

Many people but especially seniors suffer from digestive issues such as slow digestion and constipation.

Rebounding on a regular basis helps encourage digestive health and is an excellent and pretty much” FREE Treatment” for people who suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort.

14. Reduces risk of developing dementia.

Studies show that living a sedentary lifestyle in any age but especially in later years can increase one’s risk of developing dementia.

Seniors who practice rebounding for exercise are less likely to develop dementia than those who do not.

15. Arthritis management.

Rebounding is a great option for arthritis management.

This type of exercise helps lubricate the joints and reduce the pain and stiffness that comes along with this disease.

16. Fights fatigue.

After rebounding for say 10-20 minutes you can clearly feel that Buzzing in your body! Maybe immediately after rebounding you feel tired, but in the long-run, rebounding increases the strength that is needed to keep fatigue at bay.

17. Helps maintain independence as you get older.

Maintaining functional independence is one thing that many aging adults want. Rebounding on a regular basis can help accomplish this if it is practiced for 30 minutes every day.

18. Reduces risk of cancer.

Doing exercise such as rebounding helps lower one’s risk for developing a variety of different types of cancer. Studies have shown a 30-40% reduction in occurrences of breast cancer among women who participate in regular exercise.

19. Gives you antioxidant protection.

Rebounding provides you with antioxidant protection and increases your blood flow, which can help protect the internal structure of your skin and delay signs of aging.

20. Improves sleep quality.

Rebounding on a regular basis can help you relax and get a higher quality of sleep.

The energy expended during rebounding stimulates your recovery processes while you sleep.

21. Can help you quit smoking or many other silly and bad habits.

Rebounding can make it easier for you to quit smoking by limiting the intensity of your cravings and withdrawal symptoms.

It can also reduce the weight you could possibly gain once you stop smoking.

22. Improves your sexual health.

Rebounding can lower a man’s risk of erectile dysfunction or improve the sexual function of men who are already affected by erectile dysfunction.

For women, exercise in general but rebounding in particular can help increase sexual arousal.

23. Reduces the urge to ruminate and helps with Happiness from within.

Research has found that doing exercises such as rebounding helps prevent people from ruminating on past negative events by altering the blood flow to the areas in the brain that trigger people to repeat stressful thoughts over and over.

24. Improves balance.

Rebounding increases your brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear, which is responsible for your sense of balance.

25. Improves the immune system.

Rebounding boosts the immune system by stimulating the action of red bone marrow and supporting the repair of tissue.

26. Improves the endocrine system.

Because getting rid of excess hormones and toxins is an important factor in a healthy endocrine system, rebounding is a great way to correct a hormone imbalance.

27. Improves the effects of other exercises.

Studies have shown that people who rebounded for 30 seconds between each set of weight lifting saw 25% more improvement in their muscles after 12 weeks than those who didn’t rebound. That’s pretty cool to know!

28. Reduces your risk of chronic disease and keep you healthy.

Rebounding helps improve insulin sensitivity, heart health, and body composition while decreasing blood pressure and blood fat.

29. Lowers blood pressure.

Rebounding helps your muscles to contract, which results in the rhythmic compression of veins and arteries.

This helps move fluids more effectively through the body and back to the heart, which helps lower peripheral blood pressure.

30. Increases endurance.

Rebounding for over 20 minutes at a moderate level of intensity at least three times each week helps to increase your mitochondria, which benefits your overall endurance.

31. Increases lung capacity.

People suffering from lung disease may experience diminished lung capacity over time.

This refers to the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use and is an important part of bringing oxygen to your cells.

32. Helps circulate oxygen to tissues.

Every tissue and cell in your body has to have a constant oxygen supply in order to work properly.

If your tissues and cells do not get enough oxygen, every organ can be negatively impacted, especially the brain, heart, and kidneys.

33. Aids lymphatic circulation.

Your lymphatic system works alongside your cardiovascular system to keep your blood and lymphatic fluid levels balanced and to flush out toxins from your body.

Your lymphatic system also moves your immune cells throughout your body to create a defense against infections.

34. Gives your body an increased G-force.

Having an increased G-force (or gravitational load) improves your health and helps your body by strengthening your musculoskeletal systems.

35. Pairs well with burst training and high-intensity interval training.

These two popular forms of exercise that burn calories, improve endurance, and increase overall fitness can easily be done on a rebounder, making it a more convenient way to get fit in a shorter amount of time.

36. Rebounding has anti-inflammatory effects.

Rebounding efficiently stimulates and helps lymphatic drainage, which has anti-inflammatory effects on your body.

Medical Benefits of Rebounding are literally endless!

37. Increase self-confidence.

Rebounding can help you feel better about yourself.

Studies have shown that the simple act of doing exercises such as rebounding (rather than fitness itself) can help you believe that you look better.

38. Strengthens the heart.

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in Australia and the entire western world, so paying attention to your heart health is critical.

39. Is easy and portable.

One of the best things about rebounding is that it is so easily accessible.

You can use your rebounder inside or outside, so the weather will never prevent you from working out, but if you want to enjoy a nice day, you can take your rebounder outside.

40. Helps you maintain stable blood sugar.

Rebounding can lower your blood sugar level and improve the work of your insulin.

This can reduce your risk of developing metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. If you already have one of these diseases, rebounding can help you to manage it.

41. Burns calories.

To lose a pound of fat, you have to have a 3,500-calorie deficit between what you consume and the calories you burn. Rebounding helps burn those calories quickly while having a blast.

42. Tightens your tummy.

Rebounding allows you to do a variety of moves to target specific areas of the body.

You can do oblique twists while you jump to help define your waist. As you jump, twist your hips one way and your chest the other, and then switch sides.

43. Rebounding truly has a domino effect.

If you wake up in the morning and do some rebounding, you will be happier and more productive throughout the day.

44. Keeps lost pounds off.

Ninety percent of people who have been able to lose weight and keep it off for a year continue to do physical activity each day.

Rebounding is a great way to maintain a newly acquired thinner physique and happily bounce around for the rest for your life.

45. Rebounding Not only Keeps on Track with Weight Issues it also Supports the Pelvic Floor for Your Sexual Health.

You’ve probably heard of the pelvic floor, but you may not know exactly what it is. In short, the pelvic floor is a group of muscles that effectively form a hammock across the base of your pelvis and support the internal organs above it. Why it’s so important: Having strong and flexible pelvic floor muscles helps control the bladder, enhance orgasms, stabilize the hip joints, and connect to the deep core.

By some estimates up to one in four women in the western world Australia, the US and the rest of it suffers from urinary incontinence, which is a loss of bladder control while coughing, sneezing, or even laughing or having sex. While there can be other medical reasons for this (such as pregnancy, menopause, and stress), often the problem is a weakened pelvic floor, which can be related to sitting too much, and tends to be exacerbated for moms after having kids.

For most women, rebounding can have a very positive impact on re-building healthy tone in their pelvic floor area and core after they had babies. I’ve been recommending regular rebounding to all my clients for many reasons and have had amazing results—activating and toning the pelvic floor muscles with 15 to 20 minutes of bouncing a day. So, if you ever feel like you might pee yourself when someone tells a good joke, or you just want to feel generally more connected, stronger, and toned down there, rebounding can be excellent. Of course, check with your doctor first if you have any serious pelvic floor issues that may affect your ability to exercise. But if you’re cleared, and still have issues with bladder leakage while bouncing, go slowly and build up your time on the rebounder. Empty your bladder before you start the workout, and take a break if you feel the urge. As always: Listen to your body and aim for slow but constant improvements and results.

46. Helps prevent emotional eating.

Rebounding helps regulate your mood with the rush of feel-good hormones you get from exercising.

This has a direct impact on people who tend to eat when they’re upset because it helps improve mood.

47. Increases stamina to keep you going.

Rebounding on a regular basis increases your stamina by boosting your production of neurotransmitters, which help promote energy.

48. Reduces cellulite.

Cellulite is frequently caused by a stagnant lymph system. By increasing the lymphatic flow in your body, rebounding can reduce one of the main factors that lead to non-hereditary cellulite.

Women often see a reduction in their cellulite after rebounding on a regular basis for just a few months.

49. Metabolic-supporting exercise.

Long periods of cardio exercise may actually hinder a weight loss attempt because extended periods of “breathless” exercise can decrease your metabolism.

Metabolic-supporting exercise, such as rebounding, is an important part of weight loss because it allows you to breathe comfortably for the duration of your exercise.

50. Secret Rebounding Secrets Exposed :-)! The Rebounding “Strength” Bounce Exercise

Depending on your current health and physical condition you may consider to take advantage of this slightly harder Rebounding Exercise. This rebounder bounce involves jumping up as high as you can. This helps to strengthen your muscles, improves your balance, and moves your lymphatic system the most. This is the most difficult type of rebounding, which you want to eventually work up to.

51. Benefits of Rebounding for Weight Loss – Rebounding Enhances digestion and elimination.

This will not only help you feel less bloated, it will also help your body get rid of nasty toxins.

52. Rebounding Stimulates Your Metabolism.

Having a strong metabolism helps you burn more calories and fat throughout the day.

53. Lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Cholesterol and weight often go hand in hand, so lowering your cholesterol is important if you are concerned about your weight.

54. Secret Rebounder Nugget! The Pelvic Floor Bouncing Exercise

A great way to connect to the pelvic floor is to hold a squishy ball between your knees as you gently bounce, which helps to engage your inner thighs and pelvic floor.

Place your hands on your pubic bone and breathe into your pelvis.

Exhale as you squeeze your inner thighs. Visualize pulling in and up around the hammock of your pelvic floor muscles (like a Kegel).

Try going for 2-5 minutes—be sure to work your way up if you have a weak pelvic floor. After you’re done bouncing, it’s important to completely relax your abs and pelvic floor, and shake your limbs and body out, so you don’t get stuck holding tension.

How to Choose a Good Rebounder?

Because many injuries can occur while on a trampoline, it’s critical that you don’t go the cheaper route because cheaper trampolines tend to break or malfunction, causing injury. They also can lack the support needed to be effective.

It’s important that your rebounder has at least 32 springs that taper at the end. This provides the proper flexibility and a more even bounce. Steel construction lasts longer, too.

Some models offer support bars, which may be useful, especially for beginners or the elderly.

Recommended trampolines: I personal have been using a Bellicon Rebounder for the last 10 years and never look back. Great quality and longevity. All in all a fantastic investment in your health and well being.

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